Family Gossips: Happy Birthday, Mom!

4 min readJun 6, 2024

You don’t have to give birth to someone to have a family.

Sandra Bullock

Photo de Ben Masora sur Unsplash

Today’s my mom’s birthday, and I’m grateful for her presence.

We usually place our parent’s importance on a pedestal, but it’s not because they are without fault; you should vouch for the loyal ones.

The funny thing is when my mom was younger she didn’t want to be married or have kids while her older sister did. Somehow, they swapped lives!

In this course of events, fate is not the one who took the reign. Both sisters decided to make decisions that would change their lives and the next generation.

This specific sibling is the one relative that I never got along with. The fact that I ended up living with her when my parents got divorced never sat well with me.

Once, there was an unplanned early dismissal at my high school and when I showed up home too early, she asked me if I had gone to my friend’s house to watch porn.

